National Skin Cancer Action Week 15-21 November 2015

Each year Cancer Council Australia and the Australasian College of Dermatologists come together for National Skin Cancer Action Week.

With two in three Australians diagnosed with skin cancer by age 70, the week is a time when we remind Australians of the importance of sun protection and early skin cancer detection.

Our 2015 theme is ‘UV. It all adds up’, which will focus on the unintentional UV damage Australians can accumulate when they forget sun protection.

More than 2000 people in Australia die from skin cancer each year. Yet most skin cancers can be prevented by the use of good sun protection.

New data from Cancer Council’s National Sun Protection Survey will be unveiled during the week to reveal the latest trends in our sun protection behaviours.

National Skin Cancer Action Week is a great time to remind people to slip on sun-protective clothing, slop on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen, slap on a broad-brimmed hat, seek shade and slide on sunglasses.

A combination of these measures, along with getting to know your skin and regularly checking so you can pick up on any changes, are the keys to reducing your skin cancer risk.

You can find out more about skin cancer here.


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