Category Archives: psoriasis

The Effects of Chronic Periodontitis and Its Treatment on the Subsequent Risk of Psoriasis

Keywords: chronic periodontitis; psoriasis; autoimmune Abstract Background:  Although psoriasis and chronic periodontitis (CP) may share an underlying immune dysregulation as part of their pathologies, only one small-scaled cross-sectional pilot study has investigated the potential association between CP and psoriasis to date. … Continue reading

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How safe are topical steroids during pregnancy ?

An estimated 6% of pregnant women receive prescription topical corticosteroids (TCS), which are pregnancy risk category C. Animal studies show teratogenic effects, but data are limited and conflicting regarding use in pregnant women. Investigators performed a retrospective cohort study using … Continue reading

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Women who exercise vigorously may reduce their psoriasis risk…

HealthDay (by Reinberg) reports, “Women who exercise vigorously may be reducing their risk of psoriasis,” according to a study published online May 21 in the Archives of Dermatology. After examining “data on nearly 867,000 women who took part in the US Nurses’ Health … Continue reading

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Obesity in childhood may increase risk of developing psoriasis…

“Obesity in childhood significantly increases the risk of developing psoriasis, and psoriasis may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life by increasing cholesterol levels,” according to a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics. For that reason, “patients … Continue reading

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Blood pressure and psoriasis…

Hypertension May Be Less Easily Controlled In Patients With Psoriaris. MedWire (4/8, Guy) reported that, according to a study published in PLoS One, “hypertension is less easily controlled in patients who also have psoriasis compared with non-psoriatic hypertensive patients.” In a … Continue reading

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